Blood Clot in the Arm (DVT) Dangers and Treatment
If you notice that you have a blood clot in the arm, then it is important to know safe treatments methods. A clot can be quite dangerous if it breaks and spreads to various parts of the body.
It can spread to the lungs, which can impede proper lung functioning, and it can also lead to heart attack or stroke if it reaches the heart or the brain.
Blood clot pain may be your first sign that something is wrong, but there are other symptoms of this condition. If you notice swelling in your arm, that could be an indication of this condition, also known as deep vein thrombosis or DVT. In most cases, they dissolve in the body naturally. However, there are also instances when they do not, and you may require special treatment.
Internal clotting can be hazardous if left unchecked and untreated, so read on to find out more about treatment methods.
This condition is considered a venous type. Here are the tell-tale signs and symptoms of this condition:
- One of the basic indications for this problem in the arm is swelling. The swelling can affect a particular area or the whole arm. If you notice one arm is bigger than the other, it means the vein is inflamed. A swelling of the neck can also happen in the case of an arm blood clot.
- Another indication is the feeling of warmth in the affected area. It can also appear red and inflamed.
- Soreness and pain can be felt, as well. It is mild when the blood clot is new, but it could worsen in severe cases. The soreness can be similar to muscle soreness or joint pain.
Major Dangers
- Blood clot in arm symptoms can be dangerous if missed. Clots inside a vein or artery can block the flow of blood, and this could lead to a stroke or heart attack.
- It blocking an artery in the lungs can cause pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal.
- Patients who develop a cough could end up coughing blood.
- There can also be signs of an accelerated heartbeat and chest pains.
- Others may have fever and feel faint.
Blood Clot in Arm Treatment and prevention methods
The doctor can recommend medication to treat this condition, such as Heparin, Warfarin or aspirin. Heparin is a blood thinner while Warfarin is an oral prescription drug known to eliminate blood clots. Aspirin, on the other hand, is an over-the-counter blood thinner.
Here are some home remedies for treatment of this condition. As much as possible, do not self-medicate because it could do you more harm than good. It is very important that you see a doctor when you believe you have this disorder. If you are interested in home treatment, however, you can drink yarrow leaves tea as it helps in treating this condition.
Eating about three to four cloves of raw garlic daily thins the blood and reduces risks, as well.
For prevention, drink lots of water and have a daily exercise routine. Walking briskly or jogging is recommended. A change in the diet is also necessary, and foods rich in fiber and Vitamin E are very important. Examples are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods with wheat germ, sunflower seeds, walnuts, corn, peanuts and the like.
A blood clot in arm should be given medical attention just to be on the safe side.
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